On these pictures above you can see the beautiful beach called Blue Lagoon (Its also visible from airplane). It's located on a little island called Camino near Gozo. As you see the color is beautiful and the whole place is magical. Camino and Gozo have lots of caves and great places for diving.
On these photos you can see two beaches near a palace where we stayed. I liked thelast beach because it's wild and you can jump from the rocks into the sea. Also we were there before the season with much less people and that was great.
For me it's over with vatication on the sea. I will probably stay the whole summer in Vienna. Maybe I will be able to escape to Croatia for a weekend. We will see...
What have you planned for the summer?
Have a great week! Till next time!
Wow, kako je lijepo! Ja idem u Locarno (Tessin), u Petrovac (Crna Gora), u Bosnu, mozda i u Makarsku preko vikenda, ali jos nista nije sigurno.. Jedva cekam!
ReplyDeleteWhoa! What an incredible sight and place. It is soooo blue and pristine, definitely adding to my bucklist.
Amazing Photos!!!!
ReplyDeleteJoj divno je, koja krasna plaža :))
ReplyDeleteJa mislim da ću biti doma u Šibeniku cijelo ljeto, baš nemam neke posebne planove jer imam hrpu posla pa ne stignem se nigdje maknuti :(
Prava plava laguna! Jao kakva boja mora, predivno. Ja tek za tri sedmice idem na odmor, ne mogu da docekam :)
ReplyDeleteprekrasno mjesto za odmor =)
ReplyDeleteAjme meni, ajme meni, ajme meni i ajme meni1 Preve fotke su za pasti u nesvjest od ljepote! Čista divota! Meni je godišnji tek u drugoj polovici kolovoza tako da me čeka još dug put ... :(
ReplyDeleteKakvo savrsenstvo. Sjajno!
ReplyDeleteAmazing !!! Amazing! Love all those pictures and that place looks like paradise!
predivne su plaze.. more.. ajme ja bih odmah!!! dodji do zagreba :) bit ce predivno prazan kroz ljeto, vjerovatno cu samo ja s turistima bauljati kroz srpanj i kolovoz.
So amazing! What a stunning location <333
ReplyDelete- Anna